Helping Kids, Having Fun


Illustrious Sirs, Divan, Nobles, Ladies and Guests.

I hope that everyone survived the cold snap and snow this past week. As I write my first email as potentate, Lady Tammi and I would like to thank everyone for their support that led up to me being elected and installed as Potentate. I am looking forward to serving as your Potentate this year. I hope that this will be a year of growth for Nemesis and fun times in all we do, we are going to do some new things this year and some things a little differently. Please continue to support Nemesis Shriners. 

My theme for this year will be the same theme Imperial Sir Ed Stolze is using, “Doing More in ’24”  In doing more in ’24 the first thing I want to do is challenge every noble to be a top line signer for a new noble. If we do that our membership will grow. Noble Mike Valentine is our Membership chairman this year and has ideas to not only increase membership but to retain new members. 2024 calendars are being printed and I hope they are mailed soon, hopefully you have it in hand by the first of February. The pin I designed for this year is based on an Eagle Scout badge. Being an Eagle Scout is something I’m very proud of and so were the other Eagle Scouts in attendance for the installation of officers as they were the first to receive a pin. Once an Eagle Scout always and Eagle Scout. I am also very proud to be from St. Marys and bleed purple and gold and chose to honor St. Marys High School this year by having purple and gold as my colors. 

The last full week of January we only have the Directors Staff meeting on the calendar, it is Thursday January 25 at 7pm. Touching on a few future events we have coming up we have a purse bingo scheduled for February 24 and its fast approaching.

“Doing More in ’24” 

Yours in the faith, 

Illustrious Sir, Matt Nichols and Lady Tammi